
Farbenfroher Spaß! Wie man ein Kunstwerk für ein farbenfrohes Zuhause auswählt

Frank Sinatra

€ 3.350,00 EUR

We've all been there. That scary, empty white wall and what to do with it. Here are some ideas that might help you.

A happy cloud. Brown is such a nice color. You got your heavy coat out yet? It's getting colder. You can do anything your heart can imagine. Put your feelings into it, your heart, it's your world. We must be quiet, soft and gentle.

Use it as the starting point

Let's give him a friend too. Everybody needs a friend. That's what makes life fun. That you can make these decisions. That you can create the world that you want. Take your time. Speed will come later. A big strong tree needs big strong roots. You don't want to kill all your dark areas they are very important. Very easy to work these to death.

If you hypnotize it, it will go away. We don't need any guidelines or formats. All we need to do is just let it flow right out of us. Just think about these things in your mind - then bring them into your world. In your imagination you can go anywhere you want. I really believe that if you practice enough you could paint the 'Mona Lisa' with a two-inch brush.

I thought today we would do a happy little picture. I will take some magic white, and a little bit of Vandyke brown and a little touch of yellow. There we go. If you don't like it - change it. It's your world.

The secret to doing anything is believing that you can do it. Anything that you believe you can do strong enough, you can do. Anything. As long as you believe. A fan brush can be your best friend. Just go back and put one little more happy tree in there. I'm sort of a softy, I couldn't shoot Bambi except with a camera. You can work and carry-on and put lots of little happy things in here. Didn't you know you had that much power? You can move mountains. You can do anything.

Frames, Frames, Frames

If you hypnotize it, it will go away. We don't need any guidelines or formats. All we need to do is just let it flow right out of us. Just think about these things in your mind - then bring them into your world. In your imagination you can go anywhere you want. I really believe that if you practice enough you could paint the 'Mona Lisa' with a two-inch brush.

I thought today we would do a happy little picture. I will take some magic white, and a little bit of Vandyke brown and a little touch of yellow. There we go. If you don't like it - change it. It's your world.

Consider the Color scheme of your room

How do you make a round circle with a square knife? That's your challenge for the day. Let's have a happy little tree in here. So often we avoid running water, and running water is a lot of fun. Maybe there's a little something happening right here. Let your imagination be your guide. And I know you're saying, 'Oh Bob, you've done it this time.' And you may be right. Work on one thing at a time. Don't get carried away - we have plenty of time. It's amazing what you can do with a little love in your heart.

Poor old tree. I'll go over the colors one more time that we use: Titanium white, Thalo green, Prussian blue, Van Dyke brown, Alizarin crimson, Sap green, Cad yellow, and Permanent red. I really believe that if you practice enough you could paint the 'Mona Lisa' with a two-inch brush.

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